Monday, December 8, 2014

Computer viruses stink, but blog breaks are good!

I can't think of a better way to say it, computer viruses stink!
And the people who create them, well they are just mean!

I'm still dealing with the consequences of a malicious virus that
encrypted EVERYTHING on my computer. It's pretty much the worst possible virus and sadly there is no easy fix. I now have my computer back with a new hard drive and my old hard drive has been shipped off to a data recovery center with the hope that my pictures can be restored. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Virus protection will not save you from this virus, so PLEASE be sure that you are backing up your computer regularly. I now have an external drive that is programmed to back up my files every night while I sleep. 

So, I've had an unexpected four week blog break. I used my phone to check in now and then, but that's about it. And guess what, I found it kind of refreshing and liberating to be unplugged. It wasn't life altering or profound, but it just felt good to catch my breath again. I highly recommend stepping away from the computer every now and then. You'll be surprised how good it feels!

So in a nutshell, here's what I've been up to the last few weeks .....

First I took out my frustration by cleaning the house and garage from top to bottom and that felt really good!

We took road trips three out of the last four weekends, cheered for our favorite team and played in the snow!

Sweet Clare celebrated her 1st birthday!

And discovered the joy of cupcakes!

I got my Christmas decorating done in three days flat, a new personal record!

And this past weekend, I celebrated my birthday with my favorite piano man!

It's all about the people who make you smile!

Now I'm actually looking forward to getting back on schedule and seeing what you've been up to lately. Our Be Inspired Link Party will be back first thing tomorrow morning. I hope to see you there!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Computer Woes

Just checking in with a quick post to share my computer woes!

Last Monday morning I turned on my computer and found  that everything was encrypted. Couldn't read a thing. I was pretty sure that meant I had a virus, so I immediately turned the computer off and took it in for repairs. I've had a few viruses over the years and they've always been quickly resolved. And coming right on the heels of our Holiday Open House, a few days without a computer felt like a welcome break. I had lots to catch up on around here. I headed right out to the garage, gave it a thorough cleaning and actually parked my car inside. That felt good. I was on a roll!

Well it's been a week now and still no computer. On Saturday I got a call from my computer guy saying that a fix may not be possible and I may need to get new computer. What??? Apparently I have a nasty virus that usually results in an offer from a "computer expert" to "fix" your computer for a hefty sum of money. And of course these "experts" are the very same people who planted the virus in the first place and no, they will not fix your computer. Seriously??? What is wrong with people??? I could go on and on about how I feel about people who intentionally do things that hurt others, but I know you already get that, so I'll save you the drama and negativity. 

So at the moment, I am without a computer and my guy is still working on a fix. I'm not willing to accept that all kinds of data, contacts and pictures may be lost. My biggest concern is recovering my pictures. Oh, the pictures!

Lessons learned the hard way - be sure you have comprehensive virus protection and back up everything on your computer regularly!!!

I'm taking my nervous energy out on my house. It is getting so darn clean and organized! I would be tempted to break out the holiday decorations, but we're have a birthday party for someone small and sweet this coming weekend and Christmas décor doesn't quite fit the theme.

Hopefully I'll be back soon!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Holiday Open House 2014 Sneak Peek

Our Holiday Open House is coming up this weekend.
The stockings are hung, the trees are decorated and the cookies are baking!

I know you love a sneak peek, so here you go .....








In addition to our holiday décor, we have a wonderful selection of fall wreaths perfect for welcoming your Thanksgiving guests! Traveling for the holiday? A fall wreath would make a fabulous hostess gift that will be enjoyed long after turkey is gone!

Hope you can join us this weekend!

Elizabeth & Co. Vintage
Holiday Open House
438 East Main Street
Westminster, MD 21157

Saturday, November 8th from 9 am to 4 pm
Sunday, November 9th from 12 pm to 4 pm
Add a little vintage goodness to your holiday season!