Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Karla's Memo Boards

Karla came across a stash of sheet metal at a yard sale and decided it would be perfect to make a whole batch of memo boards. I think this one is my personal favorite - love the swirly green pattern and the pretty frame!

Cutting the metal to size was the hardest part of this project. Yes, she cut each one by hand.

She then covered the sheet metal with what she had on hand - fabric, contact paper and scrapbook paper.

The frames she had collected over time. They were each painted to coordinate with the colorful boards. Never pass up a good frame at a good price. There is just so much you can do with them!

She added ribbon on the one below where she had to piece the scrapbook paper - clever girl!

And she turned some vintage buttons into magnets.

This project was fun, thrifty and functional - just the way Karla likes it!

I'm linking to...

A Little Knick Knack Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special Tickled Pink at 504 Main

Beyond The Picket Fence
Catch a Glimpse Button

Photobucket Domestically Speaking

Anything RelatedVery Merry Vintage Style Blog ButtonPhotobucket

Blue Cricket Design

Monday, July 25, 2011

That Was One Hot Tag Sale!

I wouldn't recommend having a tag sale on the hottest day of the year. But luckily for us, we have the most amazing and loyal customers!

The early morning of a sale is always crazy as we hustle to stage the outside areas. On Saturday the line started to form around 8:00am. That's when we really started to get excited! The very last thing we always do before the doors open is to snap a group picture. It was 8:45am and we were ready!

My friend Susan came to help get us through the morning rush. I finally had a chance to catch a photo of her with Megan around noon when things started to settle down. Susan and I have worked on all sorts of projects together and she was a huge help with Megan's wedding. Thanks for always being there girlfriend!

And since you've already seen preview photos of the sale, I wanted to share just a few of our fabulous customers. Erin is a graphic designer decorating her first home. She fell in love with my Paris Grey Buffet. She was so excited! This was the first piece of furniture that she has ever bought on her own. She said our sale was "exhilarating" and that was the best comment ever! The buffet will go in her dining room and she plans to paint the wall behind it purple. I hope she sends me a picture - hint, hint!

Erin came with her friend Emily who is a blog reader. And as you can see, these girls came to shop!

Thanks so much girls, you made my day!

***Be sure to scroll down and read the sweet comment that Erin left below. The Paris Grey Buffet not only has a wonderful new home, she now has a new name too!

Rosemary works with my wonderful landscaper (more on that soon!). On a recent visit to my house, she was curious about what was going on in the garage. So I gave her a peek and explained about the sales and the blog. She wasn't quite sure what a blog was, but now she's a regular follower. And she surprised me by coming to the sale with her lovely daughter Kate. It was their first tag sale and they happily went home with some treasures!

And this is Nora, our youngest shopper of the day! She is the cutest thing ever and usually has a huge smile on her face. I think she just takes her shopping very seriously! And Nora just had a baby sister named Lucy. If I can manage to get a picture of Lucy on the blog, I will. She is one gorgeous baby with more hair than you can possibly imagine on a newborn.

When Nora spotted the typewriter, she pointed and said, "What's that?" That's when we all felt really old!

But I think she got the hang of it pretty quickly!

And yes of course, Karla wore green for the occasion! Put Karla in green and give her a cold soda and she's a happy girl!

In spite of the heat, the house was filled with customers and furniture was flying out the door. The best part is always chatting with people who love vintage finds just as much as we do. Thank you so much for all the loyal support and for the good wishes from our long-distance friends too. You all are the reason we get to do what we do!

Our next sale will be the weekend of September 17th. Hope you can join us!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tag Sale Sneak Peek Part 3

Ok friends, one last sneak peek at our upcoming tag sale! I know our local friends enjoy the preview. And to our long distance friends, thanks so much for all the good wishes! We are so lucky to have an amazing old (vintage!) house to hold our sales. Let's check out the upstairs!

And that's not all folks! Our house also has a big front porch, a back porch and a yard that will be overflowing with vintage goodness! Hope you can join us this Saturday, July 23rd from 9am to 3pm at 438 East Main Street in Westminster, MD. If you follow the blog, please be sure to introduce yourself! ... And yes, we'll have yummy cookies, cold drinks and lots of fans!