Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stocking Up For Winter

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know I really like to paint furniture. In the last few weeks, I've been trying extra hard to get out there and stock up for winter. With yard sales winding down, there will be less options. I've been doing pretty well. Slowly, but surely, my garage has been filling up. My husband is a little confused. He thought he was about to get his garage back. But I'm sure you understand. Winter can be very long and a girl has got to be prepared!

And then yesterday, I got a call from my friend Karla. She knew I was in Baltimore for the marathon, but if I made it home before 4pm, I should head on over to a really great yard sale. Normally, you really can't expect to find much at a yard sale late in the day on a Saturday, but this was not your typical yard sale. It was actually more of a barn sale at the home of the gentleman who owns our local antique mall. There was plenty of furniture to choose from, the prices were good and the seller was more than willing to negotiate. Here are just a few of the pieces that made their way home with me.

This is probably my favorite piece. It's a vanity, but I think it would also make a great desk. It has the most wonderful legs!

Love this beautiful antique dresser. Reminded me of Cassie @ Primitive & Proper. She's always finding great dressers.

Plus the dresser had a matching vanity. And yes, mirrors too!

I bought five of these chairs. They will be so cute with fresh new fabric.

The paint on this table is pretty chippy, but the enamel top is in great shape.

This headboard and footboard set with rails was only $3.00. How could I resist?

This is a really nice solid bookcase.

This little chair is really cute and he threw it in for free!

And another curvy mirror, also free.

I came home with some fun small things too, including some cool rusty barn door hinges that reminded me of Donna @ Funky Junk Interiors.

In total, I ended up with four SUV's full of stuff and spent less than $100!

And there are at least two pieces that I can't stop thinking about. I think I'll stop by the antique mall tomorrow for a little chat with the owner!

Are you stocking up for winter?

I'm linking to...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Way To Go Ryan!

I watched my first marathon today and it was awe-inspiring!

Who wakes up on a Saturday morning, puts on some running shoes and goes out there and pounds the pavement for 26 miles? Seriously, 26 miles and 385 yards to be exact! Well, I saw thousands of people do it today. And those runners came in all sizes and shapes. Some were young and strong, some more young-at-heart. Some breezed across the finish line, some had to push through the pain. But they all shared a certain level of drive and commitment. They prepared both physically and mentally. And they went out there and pushed themselves to the limit. Without a doubt, awe-inspiring!

Congratulations Ryan! You looked great out there today!

You know it's really hard to take a picture when you are jumping up and down and cheering, while your subject is running past you! That's Ryan in the red shirt on the far right.

Ryan's goal was finish in under 4 hours. His time today was 3:42.
Way to go Ryan!

Congratulations to all the runners!
When was the last time you took on a challenge and pushed yourself to the limit?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Funky Junk Interiors

Congratulations to fellow blogger Donna at Funky Junk Interiors.
Donna just passed the 3000 follower mark. And there is a really good reason for that!

Donna resides in BC Canada and she says she loves to create something out of nothing.
And boy, can that girl create!

This amazing desk and workspace is just one example of her talent and creativity!

At Funky junk Interiors you'll find all sorts of inspiration, including videos, workshops,
blogging tips and the best weekend link parties.

To celebrate her 3000 follower milestone, Donna is having a giveaway. But being true to herself, this is not your typical giveaway. Donna chose items based on her favorite words -rust, metal, vintage, typography, woody stuff, rustic and distressed!

So, if you are a junk loving girl like Donna (and me too!) head on over to Funky Junk Interiors.

Donna is truly passionate about what she does and that passion is contagious!

I promise, you will be inspired!

Funky Junk Interiors

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pretty Gray Round Table

I came across this pretty round table at my local Goodwill. I loved it immediately! Just look at the details! It did not have a price on it. I'm always afraid that someone will snatch my find right out from under me while I search for a salesperson. I found the lady in green (I think I've mentioned her before. She wears green, only green, head-to-toe green, all the time, right down to her green nail polish!) and she sold me the table for just $7.00. I was so excited!

I know, it looks a little sad. But it was solid as a rock and really just needed a good scrubbing, a whole lot of sanding and a little paint to bring it back to life.

The pretty little details made me think French and that made me think gray, a really soft light gray.

I distressed the edges just a bit.

And applied my favorite white glaze and a coat of wax for a really soft dreamy look.

I just love the way it turned out!

My friend Beth is going to put this in her beach house. I think my little table will enjoy life at the beach!