Sunday, September 5, 2010

Green Cottage Dresser

This sweet cottage dresser came from a barn sale. I almost missed a before picture on this one. My husband has recently discovered that he really likes sanding. Yea for me, I'd much rather get to the painting part. He knew this was the next piece I wanted to work on, so he thought he'd have it all ready for me when I got home. Very sweet! (Although you know, I think he'll do almost anything to get his car back in the garage!)

I used one of my favorite greens, Grazing Field by Sherwin Williams. It's the same color I painted my laundry room.

To keep the look really soft, I used a white glaze. Then I gave it a coat of wax for a smooth finish. In case you missed it, I reviewed the glaze and wax products I like in my last furniture post - Deep French Blue.

I kept the original hardware and went with white. I think this might be the first time I've gone white with hardware. But I've been seeing it everywhere and thought it really went with the soft cottage look I was going for here.

Don't you love the little scalloped edge along the top. I think cottage style pieces are my favorite!

I also had two good finds this week. This first dresser came from my local Goodwill. It's a great size and shape and I love the wooden knobs.

And the second dresser came from an estate sale. It has a neat little pull-out shelf above the top drawer.

Don't tell my husband, but I'm not really sure when his car is going to make it back in the garage!

I'm linking to...

UndertheTableandDreaming Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Furniture Feature Fridays

Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden BCD 125 Beyond The Picket Fence

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Tag Sale Countdown! - Part two

Well, it's after midnight, so only seven days to go!

It's been really exciting to see everything coming together in one location. Karla, Susan and I have all been busy this summer shopping, sanding, painting, sewing and creating. Our projects have taken over our garages. We compare notes regularly and we've seen each other's finds. But having it all in one space makes it seem very real. We are really doing this. We're having our very first Tag Sale!

Here we are, bright and early, on our first full day of organizing. Hey, it's not easy to take your own picture. You should see the shots I didn't pick.

We have really great porches in this house, so the first thing we do each day is move the porch stuff outside.

And the first thing Karla asks is, "Do we have to move the mantel again?" The answer is always yes. It's her mantel. Hopefully it will sell on the first day of the sale and we can just move it into someone's vehicle!

Notice the curtains, that's my ongoing project. This house has 25 windows!

We found the perfect spot for a little Christmas at the top of the stairs.

And we started moving things upstairs into the front bedrooms.

And every time we think we're making progress, we find more boxes.

But boxes mean accessories. And we love accessories!

As you probably guessed, there's more coming up!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tag Sale Countdown!

Only nine days to go!!!

A few weeks ago, I shared a sneak peek at the space for our first Elizabeth & Co. Tag Sale. Since then, we girls have been hard at work. We're scrubbed and polished and painted. We're carried things in and carried things out. We've arranged and rearranged and rearranged again. It's been fun and exhausting and hot, really hot! ... And now we think our little house really shines!

Over the next few days, I'll show you how it all came together.

We started with a few little piles of stuff.

Then the little piles turned into big piles and more furniture started to appear!

Check back tomorrow for part two!

Thank You Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Judy Van Houte (comment #17)!!!

Judy is the winner of a lovely market bag by the very talented Molly. It matches my blog!

Be sure to visit Molly's Etsy shop Handmade by Molly!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment and to all of you who stop by to visit from time-to-time.

Judy, please email me your mailing address so I can send your market bag on it's merry way!