Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Little Teal

As you may have noticed, I've been experimenting with some new colors. Today it's teal. Again, a Martha Stewart sample - Araucana Teal. I really love these little samples. I can do a complete project for less than $3.00 and still have some paint left. And I'm not stuck with a whole can of paint that ends up taking up space on my shelf.

This little table came from a barn sale. Isn't it cute? The gentleman told me that it was his nightstand when he was a child. Now he just thought it was too small to be practical. That's just what I loved about it. It is tiny and petite. And with a pop of color, a perfect accent.

Somehow, I forgot to take a before photo, but it was your basic brown wood.

After the usual scrubbing, sanding and priming, two coats of the teal. It always seems a little bright at this point, but have no fear, the glaze will tone it right down.

I just mixed a little black paint with clear glaze. I brushed it on with a little sponge brush and wiped it off with a cloth. This seems like the most practical way to go for me. You can mix any color with the clear glaze and have your own custom shade of glaze. I just mix it all together in an old margarine tub.

And don't you love the little teardrop knob?

I think I like teal!

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Black and Gray

Have you ever been inspired by something really simple? I found these really cute little black knobs at Marshalls. Yes, Marshalls. You just never know.

I decided to try a new color just to go with them - gray. I've never painted a piece of furniture gray, but I think it's definitely a keeper!

This color combination would work almost anywhere!

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Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden  http://linda-coastalcharm.blogspot.com/

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Little Red, White and Blue

I thought I'd share a little red, white and blue from my garden.

I hope you get to spend some time in your garden today!

I love little spots to sit and enjoy the view.

Having a front porch is like adding another room to your home.

Oakleaf hydrangeas are one of my favorite shrubs. They have lovely long-lasting flowers and dramatic large leaves. They mix well with perennials in a natural setting.
Vintage children's toys make fun garden accents.

A cool shady spot. A great place to read. Sit back and relax for a while.
The sound of water adds a soothing feel to the garden.

And you may just get an unexpected visitor.

Hope you are having a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

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Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Barefoot Contessa

I am a huge fan of The Barefoot Contessa! Her recipes are special. They always make your family and friends feel like you went the extra mile. And isn't that the point? Food should nourish the body and the soul.

Still searching for a recipe to take to your July 4th picnic?

I highly recommend Ina's Flag Cake. Yes, there are a million variations of flag cakes, but this is the one to try. I took this cake to a picnic last summer and received a marriage proposal!

And this Strawberry County Cake is one of my go-to favorites! It is not only delicious, but the presentation is just lovely.

Ina Garten invites you into her home and shows you how to make guests feel warm and wecome with her delicious recipes and gracious style. You can find more of Ina's recipes on The Food Network. (Photos from The Food Network)


Psss... And just in case you were wondering, I'm already very happily married and I think the guy who proposed is married as well. I think he just wanted to eat more cake. But that sure would have made a great story if we'd fallen in love over a cake!

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Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Few Good Men

By the time July rolls around, yard sales are beginning to wind down in our area. There were only a handful listed in the paper this weekend. But I found a few goodies along the way.

Some pretty linens and a nice yellow bowl.

I think I need to bake a cake!

Isn't this yellow scooter cute? I love to add fun things to the garden.

And then at my last stop of the morning, I spotted this beauty. Isn't he great?

My son-in-law wonders why I often use personal pronouns when describing furniture and how do I know which one to use. Clearly, this piece is a stong and handsome man!