Showing posts with label Lucketts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucketts. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lucketts Part 3 - The Design House

So I've already shared a post about the vintage goods and another about the people at the Lucketts Spring Market. I have a few more shots you might enjoy from The Design House.
The Design House is a monthly interior design showcase located on the grounds of the Old Lucketts Store. Everything is completely new and fresh for each event. It's truly inspiring and best of all, it's all for sale. I am always in awe of the grand scale of the furnishings, the gorgeous lighting, the luxurious beds and the styling perfection! The only problem is that you'll want to go home and redecorate your whole house!

There was really so much more to see, these few shots hardly do The Design House justice. I think you're just going to have to make a trip to check it out!
I hope you've enjoyed my little three part tour of Lucketts. And I didn't even take any photos in the Old Lucketts Store, so there really was so much more to see!
The Spring Market is one of my favorite weekends of the year.
Maybe I'll see you there next year!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lucketts Part 2 - The People

Last night I shared a little eye candy from the Lucketts Spring Market. Today I have to share the very best part  - the people! It wasn't exactly bright (more like dark and dreary), but my friend Renae and I headed out early on Sunday morning. We're only about an hour away from Lucketts, so we are lucky enough to visit regularly. And yes, the color of the store really is Lucketts Green!
Our first stop was the Hometalk tent. I've always thought there should be a central meeting spot for bloggers to gather and say hello. Thanks so much to Hometalk for providing that this year! And how fun that the tent was homebase for Donna from Funky Junk Interiors. When we arrived, Donna was working on a sign, surrounded by her power tools - how appropriate!
Right off the bat, we saw lots of familiar faces. First there was Megan from Our Pinteresting Family - such a sweetheart! And pictured below is Martha from Martha Leone Design, Donna, Karen from The Graphics Fairy, Me, and Allison from The Golden Sycamore. Martha and Allison are two very talented ladies we see regularly at our Tuesday link party and it was so great to meet them in person! 
After hellos and hugs, it was time to go check out the goods! Susan from Elizabeth & Co. arrived right on cue. The three of us had the best time shopping together! Susan admired the beautiful jewelry.

 And I actually went home with one of these pretty necklaces. I can paint furniture, but I can't make jewelry.

But it was a piece of architectural salvage that won Susan's heart. If you know Susan at all, you aren't the least bit surprised by that!
Along the shopping trail, we had the pleasure of meeting more of our blogging friends. This is Susan from Uniquely Yours or Mine.
I always love her painted furniture and was totally smitten with this piece! And she is so funny. I could have hung out at her booth all day long!

But luckily we kept going, because Deborah from Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie was in the very next booth!

Then I had the pleasure of meeting Jessica from Dear Emmeline!
And you know a trip to Lucketts would not be complete without a hug from my sweet friend Cassie from Primitive & Proper! Cassie and I actually met when I bought a piece of furniture from her booth at Lucketts a very long time ago. I've learned much of what I know about furniture painting and blogging from Cassie! But the best part is that she is an awesome friend! ... And Cassie has now teamed up with Sarah from The Thriftress and they are selling not too far from me - yay! ... I think I pretty much "talk" to Cassie every single day. Who goes to Lucketts for a piece of furniture and comes away with a dear friend, mentor and constant source of inspiration? ... I do!

And of course we also stopped by to say hello to Marian AKA Miss Mustard Seed!
 At the end of the day, it was back to the Hometalk tent for one more round of hugs and goodbyes. Of course Donna was still working the power tools!

This was one of Donna's spur of the moment junky masterpieces. I think she was wearing out a bit after a very long day! That's Breida from Breida with a B. and Renae looking on!

And just a little background for you ... Donna and Marian's blogs were two of the very first blogs I ever started following. And a few years ago, they teamed up to host the Copy Me Challenge. The idea was to copy the unique and very different style of each of these bloggers. I was a brand new blogger and thought it would be fun, so on a whim I transformed my mantel in my best upscale vintage style.....
and then my best funky junk style. It was a last minute thing for me and I remember running around the house like a crazy woman trying to dig up stuff that might work. And much to my surprise, I actually won! Gosh, that was a really long time ago! ... And funny thing, Donna and Marian met each other in person for the very first time at Lucketts this weekend!
 I just love all the little connections in life!
And here's one more connection I have to share, although I'm so sad I missed a picture to go along with it. ... A year or so ago, I got an email from Diane at In My Own Style. She had randomly come across my blog and noticed that I lived in Westminster, Maryland. Diane's husband had grown up in the area and I'm sure you can guess the rest ..... turns out that our husbands actually knew each other and were long-time childhood friends. They graduated together and apparently have lots of crazy stories to tell! Diane and her husband now live in the Philadelphia area and have not been back to Westminster in years. But sure enough, I spotted her at Lucketts yesterday! ... It is a very small world you know!
On the way to the car, Renae treated herself to an olive bucket. (I bought one last year and just love it!) Then we headed home with tired feet, but a smile on our faces. It was an awesome day with a wealth of friendship and inspiration! ... It really was a sweet day!

We even managed to fit in a leisurely walk through The Design House, so I'll have one more round of pictures to share later in the week!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lucketts Part 1 - The Goods

Hi Everyone! Hope you had a great weekend!
Did you see we launched a surprise link party yesterday?
Just felt the need for a monthly garden party.
Hope you'll come join us!
Elizabeth and Co.
I spent the day at the Lucketts Spring Market hanging out with some sweet girls (Renae & Susan), meeting up some wonderful long-distance blog friends (more on that tomorrow) and just taking in all the vintage goods. I thought I'd just share a little eye candy with you tonight. Enjoy!

The giant bird houses at the entrance were even bigger than the porta-a-potties inside!

I was intrigued with this dresser because it was entirely made of metal!

There are definitely some deals to be had on Sundays.

I was seriously tempted!

Renae suggested we steal this idea for our next tag sale!

There were tons of these chairs and they were all marked sold!
Susan said, "They can't possibly be planning to use them that way."
Well, you never know!

Hmmm, I have old windows!

There were pretty flowers everywhere!

All sorts of bits and pieces!

After all that, we were in search of a comfy spot to sit!

That's it for tonight!
I'll be back tomorrow with part 2 - the people.
And you know that was the very best part!