Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Monday, December 8, 2014

Computer viruses stink, but blog breaks are good!

I can't think of a better way to say it, computer viruses stink!
And the people who create them, well they are just mean!

I'm still dealing with the consequences of a malicious virus that
encrypted EVERYTHING on my computer. It's pretty much the worst possible virus and sadly there is no easy fix. I now have my computer back with a new hard drive and my old hard drive has been shipped off to a data recovery center with the hope that my pictures can be restored. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Virus protection will not save you from this virus, so PLEASE be sure that you are backing up your computer regularly. I now have an external drive that is programmed to back up my files every night while I sleep. 

So, I've had an unexpected four week blog break. I used my phone to check in now and then, but that's about it. And guess what, I found it kind of refreshing and liberating to be unplugged. It wasn't life altering or profound, but it just felt good to catch my breath again. I highly recommend stepping away from the computer every now and then. You'll be surprised how good it feels!

So in a nutshell, here's what I've been up to the last few weeks .....

First I took out my frustration by cleaning the house and garage from top to bottom and that felt really good!

We took road trips three out of the last four weekends, cheered for our favorite team and played in the snow!

Sweet Clare celebrated her 1st birthday!

And discovered the joy of cupcakes!

I got my Christmas decorating done in three days flat, a new personal record!

And this past weekend, I celebrated my birthday with my favorite piano man!

It's all about the people who make you smile!

Now I'm actually looking forward to getting back on schedule and seeing what you've been up to lately. Our Be Inspired Link Party will be back first thing tomorrow morning. I hope to see you there!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Computer Woes

Just checking in with a quick post to share my computer woes!

Last Monday morning I turned on my computer and found  that everything was encrypted. Couldn't read a thing. I was pretty sure that meant I had a virus, so I immediately turned the computer off and took it in for repairs. I've had a few viruses over the years and they've always been quickly resolved. And coming right on the heels of our Holiday Open House, a few days without a computer felt like a welcome break. I had lots to catch up on around here. I headed right out to the garage, gave it a thorough cleaning and actually parked my car inside. That felt good. I was on a roll!

Well it's been a week now and still no computer. On Saturday I got a call from my computer guy saying that a fix may not be possible and I may need to get new computer. What??? Apparently I have a nasty virus that usually results in an offer from a "computer expert" to "fix" your computer for a hefty sum of money. And of course these "experts" are the very same people who planted the virus in the first place and no, they will not fix your computer. Seriously??? What is wrong with people??? I could go on and on about how I feel about people who intentionally do things that hurt others, but I know you already get that, so I'll save you the drama and negativity. 

So at the moment, I am without a computer and my guy is still working on a fix. I'm not willing to accept that all kinds of data, contacts and pictures may be lost. My biggest concern is recovering my pictures. Oh, the pictures!

Lessons learned the hard way - be sure you have comprehensive virus protection and back up everything on your computer regularly!!!

I'm taking my nervous energy out on my house. It is getting so darn clean and organized! I would be tempted to break out the holiday decorations, but we're have a birthday party for someone small and sweet this coming weekend and Christmas décor doesn't quite fit the theme.

Hopefully I'll be back soon!


Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Tour Through Blog Land ...

Have you been following the tour through blog land? What a fun way to get to know your favorite bloggers a little better and make some new friends along the way. I think the very best part of blogging is getting to know the person behind the blog!
I was invited to join the tour by my friend Suzanne over at Simply Suzanne's at Home. Suzanne is a regular at our Tuesday Be Inspired Link Party and you've seen her featured here quite a few times. When you visit Suzanne's blog, the first thing you notice is the absolutely stunning photography. Reading the Q & A of the tour, I learned that Suzanne takes over 150 photos a day. Believe me, it shows. This girl has mad skills!

Suzanne considers her blog a personal journal that she writes with her daughters in mind. You will find mouth-watering recipes, family traditions, entertaining and decorating ideas and beautiful seasonal inspiration. I hope you get a chance to visit Suzanne's blog, you will definitely feel right at home!
Now for the Q & A .....
What am I working on?
Well believe it or not, I'm working on Christmas! I actually made a few Christmas wreaths this week. Don't worry, you won't see any holiday decorations in my home until after Thanksgiving. I'm generally not a fan of moving on to the next holiday too soon. But my business life pretty much revolves around our tag sale schedule and our holiday open house happens in early November. That means decorating the shop from top to bottom in vintage holiday goodness. I need to get a head start. And of course I have several furniture pieces in progress in the garage at the moment. I'm taking full advantage of the gorgeous fall weather!

How does my work differ from other's of it's genre?
Well there are certainly lots of similarities out there, but I think each blog has it's own voice and a unique story to tell. So even though there are lots of girls painting furniture and blogging about it, we each bring our own look and feel to it. If you follow a blog for a while, the voice of the blogger becomes very familiar. There is something very comfortable about that. As I scroll though my reader, I often recognize a blogger simply by the post title. And at just a glance, I can pick out bloggers I know at a link party. And here is the perfect example of that - there are four of us at Elizabeth & Co. and our customers tell us they can usually tell which furniture pieces come from each of us. So even though we're all pretty much doing the same thing, we're doing it in our own unique style!

Why do I write what I do?
The blog started out as my way of chronicling the adventures Elizabeth & Co. and also as a way to get the word out about who we are and what we do. So most of my posts are about furniture projects and our tag sales. I really do love the process of transforming a neglected piece of furniture and giving it a brand new life. And I enjoy sharing the details. Not every post is a full-blown tutorial, but I do make a point to share details and how-to information in every post. I am so appreciative of those who have been generous with their knowledge and expertise. I'm just paying it forward.

Not every post is about the business. I try to mix it up and include whatever DIY, craft or sewing project I might be working on at home. As much as I enjoy painting furniture, I get bored easily and like to try other creative projects too. The Garden Party came from my love for playing in the dirt. And I occasionally enjoy sharing bits and pieces of my real life along the way.

How does my writing process work?
I am by nature a planner, an organizer and a very detail oriented person. So it's kind of surprising that when it comes to blogging, I pretty much just wing it! The Tuesday Be Inspired Party and the monthly Garden Party give some structure to my blogging schedule. I then try to post at least one project, sometimes two, during the rest of the week. And I really just post whatever moves me at the moment. There is no grand plan and I don't share every project. That would just be boring for you and exhausting for me!

And to be honest, blogging is incredibly time consuming. You can quickly become totally overwhelmed by your very own blog. And then there is trying to follow, comment and support your blogging friends. Add in all the social media options out there and my head starts spinning. On a regular basis I make a point to remind myself that I can not do it all. And guess what, that's perfectly okay! I love that I get to share and be a part of the blogging community. I've learned so much and met the best people. I think I've found a pretty good balance between my business life, blogging life and personal life. That balance will be different for each of us, but I think it's the key to being a happy blogger and more importantly, a happy person!

Okay, now I get to introduce you to a few of my favorite blogging friends. It's their turn to join the blog land tour and answer the very same questions!

Megan blogs over at Our Pinteresting Family. She is a busy working mom with three adorable little ones. And she is a total sweetheart who just happens to live right around the corner from me. I love when our paths cross! Megan always has really cute, fun and thrifty ideas. She's finds things on clearance, then pulls them out to make cool stuff. Some projects are easy enough to involve the kids and you'll always find lots of great gift ideas too. Megan has a handy husband and they also share wonderful remodeling projects. Megan has been blogging for almost three years and her most recent post is a round-up of fabulous fall ideas!

Allison from Fab Rehab Creations has three active little boys and a love for painting furniture and saving the landfills! Allison has mastered the natural wood top and just the perfect amount of distressing. And she's brave about trying new products and techniques. I find lots of great inspiration at Fab Rehab Creations and I know you will too!

Danielle from The Painted Willows has been blogging for a few months now and she's off to a great start! You'll definitely want to stop by and welcome her to the blogging world. Danielle not only creates beautiful painted furniture and crafts, but she has a real knack for styling too! I could definitely learn a thing or two from her. And don't you love the sweet family photo!

Hetty is from Stone House Workshop. She always leaves such sweet and encouraging comments. I love that her blog combines her interest in painting furniture and in needlework. Hetty is a certified knitting instructor and teaches both children and adults. It's that time of year when cozy throws sound so warm and comforting! And I'm just a teensy, tiny bit jealous of Hetty's brand new workshop for painting furniture!

 I hope you get a chance to stop by and visit these amazingly talented women!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Where has everyone gone?

Okay friends, this is a totally random post. First of all, I'm dealing with a really annoying computer related glitch. My Google Reader is empty. I've lost all but a handful of the blogs I follow. And yes it's true, I follow several hundred blogs. You were there yesterday afternoon. Then suddenly last night you were gone - poof! ... Where oh where has everyone gone? ... Has this happened to anyone else? ... Thoughts, suggestions? ... Help!
Well now you know I really can't write a post with no photos, so here's a peek at what's been happening around here the last few days.
I'm craving some robin's egg blue in my life, so I'm making pillows. I've been crushing on this fabric (Waverly Ballard Bouquet in Robin's Egg) for the longest time! And robin's egg blue paint is on the horizon!
Megan picked a really beautiful linen Ikat fabric (Robert Allen Khanjali in Glacier) for new curtains. They are lined and totally awesome! And let me just tell you that crawling around the floor for hours is like a workout with Jillian!
And I'm back to pouring over carpet samples. I'm leaning towards Mohawk SmartStrand. It feels dreamy and is eco-friendly. Anyone have this in your home? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
So there you have it, my totally random thoughts for today!
I sure hope you all find your way back to my Google Reader soon!