
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Painting Everything In Sight!

I really like painting larger pieces of furniture. Dressers are my absolute favorite pieces to paint. I would be quite content with a never ending supply of dressers. But this summer, my garage somehow got filled up with a very random assortment of small bits and pieces. And clutter makes me kind of cranky. So I've been on a roll painting everything in sight. None of these projects are particularly worthy of a blog post, but I thought I'd share what I've been up to, just in case you thought I was slacking!



I didn't take pictures of everything, but I think you get the idea. Now  I have a little elbow room in my garage and I can breathe again. Next on my agenda, a huge dining room table with six chairs (talk about a lot of spindles) and a china cabinet!
But first I'm off to spend a few days with a sweet baby girl!
Life doesn't get any better than that!

I'm sharing with ...
My Repurposed Life
Miss Mustard Seed


  1. Holy Smokes! You weren't joshin'! You have been painting like crazy! I call those smaller pieces "littles" & I really am not a fan of littles. Buffets or dressers (6-9 drawer, not 12 drawers) are just the right size! Enjoy time with your little darling!

  2. my, you have been a busy girl. wondering what kind of ground cover that is behind the two little white benches with brown and white fabric?

  3. well i'm glad you didn't paint the baby... that's a lot of painting! i love the shape of those chairs- they look awesome!

  4. Painting frenzy is right! I agree I love to paint dressers too! Way to go!

  5. Your a painting machine!! Enjoy your visit with that precious little cutie!!

  6. You have definitely been on a painting frenzy! I love everything you have done!

  7. Wow! You've been busy, Sharon. Everything looks great. Enjoy your time with Claire. :)

  8. Holy Moly, Girl! Where are you getting all that energy, and can I bottle some?! You'll need monthly tag sales soon to sell all your gorgeous loot! (Can you guess which is my favorite photo!)

  9. first off-- LOOK at that face! Oh my gosh, you lucky grandma! :)

    I sure hope you're using your sprayer with all that stuff! I'm amazed at how much you have painted. You're lucky you have a place to sell it all.


  10. WOW, now that's a lot of painting... it makes my few projects this summer look a bit wimpy! I especially like the two tall stools... reminds me of the one I have that was my grandmas.

    Have a good time with that little granddaughter... she looks like she's read for some fun :)

  11. I cannot even put "slacking" and you in the same sentence or thought form! But I am so glad you took the time and energy to photograph and show us all of these gems. They are all gorgeous, Sharon! I am loving the colors, of course.
    And I am so glad you get to spend time with that precious little girl! Enjoy every minute!
    Happy Friday!

  12. Hi Sharon, I'm inspired again! I have the little square oak table pictured...been thinking about painting it. Thanks for the nudge! Love the picture of your "grand"...that's the best place to be isn't it! Donna Jones

  13. How fun! Love the colors you chose! I love the cubby and the square table with long spindle legs :)

  14. O my, you have not been sitting still! Love to see those smaller projects, great colors Sharon. Did you do most of them with home made chalk paint? Beautiful picture of your granddaughter!

  15. Oh my word!! I kept thinking...this is the last picture...maybe this one is the last. I have NEVEr been that productive! Good for you!

  16. Sharon, you HAVE been busy! Love the colors. Have fun with that sweet baby girl :)

  17. Love all that you have done.... wow have been busy! They all look great!

  18. Oh my heavens, Sharon!!!
    I'm not sure how you do it all. It took me days to paint one small secretary . . . and I haven't even made it to my dresser yet. Sure wish you lived nearby :0)
    And your little girl is simply ADORABLE!!

  19. Wow! That is a lot of painting. I can see how it might fill up a garage and keep you super busy. Such cheerful colors. Are you getting ready for a sale of show?

  20. Beautiful! What is the green paint color u used? It's such a pretty green.

  21. For Robin ... the green is a custom color made by using leftover paint!
