
Sunday, August 31, 2014

August Garden Happenings

At the end of each month, I've been sharing a bit of what's been happening in the gardens over the last few weeks.
In early August, we were still picking lots and lots of green beans!

We also had a good crop of tomatoes, carrots, onions and red beets. We definitely ate more than the recommended daily allowances for fruits and veggies this month!

Coneflowers are very long-lasting and still going strong.

The crape myrtle sustained a lot of winter damage and still managed to bloom after a pretty severe spring pruning.

We also had several hydrangeas with winter damage and a few of them did not bloom at all. But the Limelight didn't seem to mind a bit.

The gourds and pumpkins are pretty much going in all directions!

I'm still dreaming of a great big pumpkin patch, but these little guys are pretty cute!

I have several varieties of sedum that bloom in the fall, but I almost think they are prettier before they bloom. They have really great texture!

 And I just love this bright shade of green!

I have Morning Glory growing on an old iron bed and noticed my first bloom this morning - what a nice surprise!
So that's a bit of what's been happening here.
How is your garden holding up as we transition into fall?

I'm sharing with ...
An Oregon Cottage
A Delightsome Life
Fishtale Cottage


  1. My Hydrangeas did not bloom at all either. I thought it was something I did. I planted crepe myrtle this year. Should I put burlap around it for the winter? I also planted a garden this year and I am already making a list of what to plant next year in an either bigger garden.

  2. I am back trying to catch up a bit here! Your gardens all look gorgeous! I hardly gardened this year because there was so much going on-but you do what you can and let the rest go- that is my NEW motto!;>)

    I suppose you are getting ready for your big Fall show soon. Have a great week, Sharon- xo Diana

  3. Oh my goodness, this post makes me giddy! I LOVE seeing all the gorgeous Fall squash and jack-be-littles! I think Fall gardens are heavenly. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Your photos are so beautiful.
    Happy Tuesday,

  4. What a beautiful and lush garden you have. My limelight is out of control this year and like many others the mopheads didn't do so well from the harsh winter but the foliage it great so fingers crossed that this winter will be a bit milder and we will have plenty of blooms in 2015. Found you at the Tuesday Garden Party linky. Have a good one.

  5. Everything is beautiful in your garden! You and I have some of the same plants but no hydrangeas here. I'm jealous! Love the sedum and morning glories - they are so easy and pretty.

  6. Sharon! Wow E Wow! Love your gardens and are they ever thriving! Just glorious!

  7. Sharon! Wow E Wow! Love your gardens and are they ever thriving! Just glorious!

  8. Sharon, your garden looks amazing! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,
