
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fall Wreath Making Frenzy

If you've been here before, you know that before every tag sale I go into a wreath making frenzy. I actually really enjoy the process and find it very relaxing. But I call it a frenzy because I usually pick a day, put on some great music, spread my supplies all over the kitchen and just make wreaths all day long. Seriously, all day long! 
And funny thing, it actually started a bit by accident. For our first few sales, I would make a wreath for the front door and the back door, just to make it festive and welcoming. After constantly explaining that the wreaths were not for sale, I realized I really needed to make more wreaths. So here you have it, the results of the fall wreath frenzy!

And can you tell, I really like making bows too!

And because Halloween is right around the corner, I had to make a scary one too!
This one was inspired by my sweet blog friend Leslie at Gwen Moss. She loves Halloween and throws a wicked party every year!
Okay, I'm off. It's sale day. If you're local, sure hope you come by and say hello! All the details are on the sidebar and we'll do our best to post updates on our Facebook page throughout the weekend! For our long distance friends, thank your encouragement and inspiration. Have a great rest of the week!


  1. Have a successful sale. All I can say about your wreaths is...Wow!

  2. Your wreaths are always SO pretty! I love the first one, and the Halloween one is super fun. And I love quite a few in the middle, too ;-)

  3. Oh my goodness! It's probably just as well I am far away. I'd never be able to choose which wreath had to come home with me. Gorgeous! All of them. Have a great sale!

  4. WOW...I can't pick a favorite because I love them all!

  5. that last one has my number!! LOVE it so much! best of uck- wish i could come! PTA tonight, plans friday with a friend, saturday soccer and a wine night with friends at tarara.... waah! well waaah that i can't come but not complaining about wine night! ;)

  6. Have a wonderful wreath is prettier than the next.

  7. I hope you had a wonderful sales day. Your wreaths are just spectacular! I love them all! xo Diana

  8. Oh my! What a productive frenzy! THose are just gorgeous!

  9. Each and every wreath is so very pretty and festive. You have a talent for sure!

  10. cute cute cute!!!! That is serious talent. I've never been great at making wreaths. Love the one with the boxwood!!

  11. I remember the last frenzy! :)

    Your wreaths are beautiful sharon, love them, and the bows.
    I've never made a wreath, I wouldn't know where to geing.
    great job!

  12. Man, oh man, those are some beautiful wreaths. No wonder you had so many people asking about your wreaths. Have a fantastic sale.

  13. They look great Sharon! I love all the burlap bows!
