
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Very Vintage Milk Paint Dresser

You know I love paint, all kinds of paint. So it was about time I tried Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint, don't you think?

I first experimented with Flow Blue and Lucketts Green on a couple of pint size chairs.

This very vintage dresser looked like the perfect candidate for Kitchen Scale.

This one came from a yard sale in my neighborhood. As you can see, I wasn't kidding about the vintage part. My neighbor is retired and the dresser belonged to his mother. That made it personal and I wanted to make her shine again. She just needed a little repair work, a good scrubbing and a whole lot of love.

I mixed up my milk paint in a mason jar and shook like crazy to get it mixed thoroughly. If you have little lumps that don't disolve, they turn different colors as you brush them out. I also added the bonding agent so I'd have a little more control over the amount of distressing. And yes, I did go over the entire piece with a sanding sponge. Was that necessary, probably not. But I like to smooth out all the edges and I really look a piece over as I sand. It only takes a few minutes and I think you just end up with a better result, no matter what type of paint you use.

After two quick coats - this paint tries fast - I distressed the edges with a light hand.

I loved the knobs on the top drawers. They just needed a bath!
The original pulls were really cool, but one of them was broken. I saved the three good ones for another project ...
... and found the perfect rings in my stash. I don't think I ever told you that my son Ryan gave me a whole box of assorted knobs and pulls for Christmas. He's an awesome gift giver!

I just love the curvy bottom and sweet feet. It's all about the details!

I finished up with a coat of Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Wax.

So there you have it, my very vintage milk paint dresser. I think the milk paint was perfect for giving this piece the authentic look it deserved. And I had fun playing with another paint option.

And here she is hanging out on the back porch at our tag sale.  She was purchased first thing Wednesday evening by a sweet young girl shopping with her mom. When the mom returned on Friday for pick-up, she told me that her daughter was at settlement buying her first home. This little vintage dresser was on her way to a happy new home!

Don't you just love that the circle of life applies to furniture too!

I'm sharing with.....


  1. Love the dresser and the color, Sharon. Beautiful job! And, how thoughtful of your son to give you such a gift! :)

  2. Love the paint colors you chose. And the dresser is phenomenal! I don't think I would have been able to part with it.


  3. The color n this piece is just perfect, I cannot believe how much better it looks than before... I love it! - Susan

  4. The dresser turned out beautifully! I haven't tried milk paint yet, but I have a perfect candidate in my garage as well...I'll have to give it some more thought ;-)

  5. WOW - I love that color and what a transformation! So glad this sad dresser had a makeover, she needed it so badly!!!

  6. I love the shape of the dresser. The color came out perfect.

  7. How fun to hear the beginning to end story for this little dresser! Very cool Sharon!

  8. LOVE that color... as well as the green on the chair. I think I'll have to give this paint a try on my next project!


  9. aaaw, how sweet that it went to a first home! it is a beauty!

  10. Just beautiful!!!
    A lot of my pieces end up in nursery's for some reason - and that always brings a smile to my face!

  11. I knew as soon as I saw it fifteen minutes into the sale it would go fast. It was so gorgeous in person!

  12. Beautiful dresser and love the color! I am glad to be a part of the furniture circle of life!

  13. Such a pretty little dresser! I'm sure it's happy in its new home! I have used milk paint but not with the bonding agent yet. I went for the very chippy look.

  14. Nice color and job you did Sharon.
    Next time try finishing it off with pure tung oil
    (Real Milk Paint co carries it) instead of the wax.
    Mush easier to apply and it really brings out the color
    in the milk paint!!

  15. Oh what a sweet little story. It is beautiful! I love that your son gave you knobs &'s a great gift :)

  16. Beautiful! Stopping by from My Repurposed Life's Catch as Catch Can 120...

    Cher @ Designs by Studio C

  17. What a gorgeous dresser! Doesn't it look just fab on your porch....!!! :) You rock!!
    hugs xx

    Crystelle Boutique

  18. Wow! What a happy dresser, the color is perfect as is your technique :) I see you used a mason jar and mixed it that way, thats my one big concern about milk paint, the mixing part.

  19. The new look is wonderful. Love the colour.
    Sandra from South Africa

  20. I just love that dresser, Sharon! It's absolutely gorgeous! You did such a beautiful job giving it the new life it deserved! :)

  21. Gorgeous!! Great save! I love the color, hardware, curves, all of it!

  22. So pretty! Love that color. and it's great that you were able to reuse some of the original hardware, too :)

  23. Really lovely. You chose a perfect color. Nice work!

    (visiting via Remodelaholic)

  24. This turned out great! I love milkpaint! I am a new follower from southern charm! I would love for you to stop by and hopefully you will want to follow me back. Happy weekend, Nicole!

  25. sharon--ohhh how sweet, and she's going to a good home. That has to make you so happy.
    Love the color, great makeover!


  26. The dresser turned out beautiful Sharon. That's actually one of my favorite colors, it's so happy looking.
    Leslie (gwen moss)

  27. Really sweet little dresser. You loved it on over to the next owner. How kind of you. I'm sure she'll treasure it.

  28. Love it, Sharon! The colors are so sweet and happy! What ratio of paint to water did you use?

    xoox laurie

  29. I love this so much! Perfect color, distressing and hardware.

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  30. Sharon this is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing. Sharing on my FB page.

  31. Stunning! Love the mostly solid with tiny distressed details. and LOVE those ring pulls. What a fun story to know where your piece is going, and to know someone loved it so much that they purchased it for their new home :)
