
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lucketts Part 3 - The Design House

So I've already shared a post about the vintage goods and another about the people at the Lucketts Spring Market. I have a few more shots you might enjoy from The Design House.
The Design House is a monthly interior design showcase located on the grounds of the Old Lucketts Store. Everything is completely new and fresh for each event. It's truly inspiring and best of all, it's all for sale. I am always in awe of the grand scale of the furnishings, the gorgeous lighting, the luxurious beds and the styling perfection! The only problem is that you'll want to go home and redecorate your whole house!

There was really so much more to see, these few shots hardly do The Design House justice. I think you're just going to have to make a trip to check it out!
I hope you've enjoyed my little three part tour of Lucketts. And I didn't even take any photos in the Old Lucketts Store, so there really was so much more to see!
The Spring Market is one of my favorite weekends of the year.
Maybe I'll see you there next year!


  1. Wow......beautiful pictures!!
    I love the white bed,so cute :)
    I wish I live closer then I could visit,but your pictures helped me enjoy the event,thankyou!!

  2. ooh i love that light fixture! so glamorous!

  3. Hi Sharon! Thank you for sharing the pictures of the design house! I didn't make it in there so appreciate your pics! Beautiful! Glad to hear you had fun! -- Pauline

  4. Thanks for sharing all the photos from Lucketts. I feel like I was there!

  5. Great rooms and colors! I must make the trip some year. MUST.

  6. It's inspiration overload. I want it all but especially that linen wingback chair and the wood tray on the bed and and and.. Haha

  7. I want several of those rooms, just exactly as they are. Think they'd just ship it to me that way?! Stunning!

  8. SO awesome! That's a lot of eye candy for one post. We skipped the design house when I was there because it was strangely crowded. Looks awesome though.

  9. Beautiful, beautiful house;)
    Thank yu so much for your lovely comment!
    You want a barn?
    I want this house;)
    Love and hugs

  10. Thanks for sharing Sharon! I never got a chance to go check it out, so it's great to see the photos.

  11. What a wonderful place! Thank you for sharing.

  12. I'd love to get down there for the day! Looks fantastic!

  13. I'm so glad to get a chance to see this! Thanks for taking the time to take pictures!

  14. Oh my're so makes me want to redecorate my whole home! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us Sharon, it's all pretty awesome. :)


  15. I wish I could pull a trailer out there to Lucketts and bring some of that goodness home. Second best has been seeing it all here in your series. Thanks for sharing it all, Sharon!
