
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lucketts Part 1 - The Goods

Hi Everyone! Hope you had a great weekend!
Did you see we launched a surprise link party yesterday?
Just felt the need for a monthly garden party.
Hope you'll come join us!
Elizabeth and Co.
I spent the day at the Lucketts Spring Market hanging out with some sweet girls (Renae & Susan), meeting up some wonderful long-distance blog friends (more on that tomorrow) and just taking in all the vintage goods. I thought I'd just share a little eye candy with you tonight. Enjoy!

The giant bird houses at the entrance were even bigger than the porta-a-potties inside!

I was intrigued with this dresser because it was entirely made of metal!

There are definitely some deals to be had on Sundays.

I was seriously tempted!

Renae suggested we steal this idea for our next tag sale!

There were tons of these chairs and they were all marked sold!
Susan said, "They can't possibly be planning to use them that way."
Well, you never know!

Hmmm, I have old windows!

There were pretty flowers everywhere!

All sorts of bits and pieces!

After all that, we were in search of a comfy spot to sit!

That's it for tonight!
I'll be back tomorrow with part 2 - the people.
And you know that was the very best part!



  1. i loved that metal dresser, too! and the red lockers those same people had! :) loved the numbered bottles and soooo much i saw there!!!! and SO glad i got to see you!!

  2. Oh I love Luckett's, wish I was there again! Thanks for sharing all the eye candy!

  3. I loved those bar stool height stools from Ekster Antiques! I took the same picture. :) Great to see you today!

  4. Eye candy is right, Sharon! Lucky you. Wish I had been there too! If I had to pick one thing to take home, it would be one of those vintage pattern purses. LOVE! :) Have a great week!


  5. So wish I could have gone! I'm living vicariously thru all you gals lucky enough to make the trip :)

  6. Thanks for letting us visit Lucketts through your eyes!

  7. Thanks for sharing the photos. I'm too far away to go but in happy checking out your photos.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing Luckett's with me:)


  9. Always wondered about it...thanks for sharing! Looks amazing!

  10. Hi Sharon, I was disappointed I couldn't make it this year. Looks like fun!

  11. It looks like SO much fun! Love those stools!

  12. Ah, someday I'm going to work in a trip to Lucketts while making the visit with the PA relatives! Looks like fun, thanks for the tour!

  13. Thanks for sharing all the fabulous stuff...wish I could have gone!

  14. Thanks for sharing your pictures of some of the goodies! I loved meeting you and Susan, such a treat! I'm so glad you guys came Sunday, the weather was much better than anticipated!

  15. So fun! I wish I lived closer!

  16. What great stuff!! Looks like the weather didn't dampen your enthusiasm. I couldn't be there, but I almost feel as if I was ... with the recaps from all of my favorite people.

  17. FUN!!! I had such a fun time when I went last year. Love all the pictures you took, so much to see! Sounds like you had a fabulous time!

  18. Wow! Looks like so much fun! And looks like awesome prices! If only I lived closer. :)

  19. Such fun pictures!!! I wish I could have seen that metal dresser in real life. Love the look of the frames hanging in the trees. As for those chairs, yes, I think people will be using them that way! Deconstructed chairs are a big deal these days. Funny because I have a whole room full of them. Travis stripped them all down for me (loves extra cash, and he is good at pulling staples). I have actually considered selling them as is, just to see what happens!

  20. Wow if this was Sunday I can't even imagine what Saturday had to sell! This sale looks fabulous... as usual I'm on the wrong coast!

    PS those totes made of pattern "envelopes" are the cutest!

  21. Wow, great stuff!
    Thanks for bringing us along!

  22. wow, that was a lot of fun. I saw so much I just loved. Thanks for taking the pictures. It's great to get to go along with you!

  23. wasn't that metal dresser just the coolest?! so glad you got a picture of those numbered bottle too! they were my favorite display!

  24. It's Sunday evening on June 2, and I finally have time to sit quietly and enjoy these gorgeous photos, Sharon. Luckett's is honestly almost more than my brain can compute. Thank you for sharing it with us westerners out here in the boonies.
