Happy 2011!
I love the start of a new year!
It just feels like the world is open to fresh opportunities and a brand new start!
I'm not all that big on new year's resolutions. I think you can commit to changing your life at any given moment. But I do think we just naturally think about our dreams and wishes at the beginning of a new year. And being healthy and well is probably at the top of almost everyone's wish list. Over the last few years, I have found that regular exercise is an important part of my life. It not only makes me feel better physically, but it gives me a more positive attitude about all aspects of my life. And it really comes in handy when you carry furniture around!
I do better with structure and a regular schedule, so I belong to a gym and take a variety of group classes. Class times are written on my calendar and are considered appointments not to be missed. At least that's how it was before I started blogging and painting furniture on a daily basis. In the last few months, I have sometimes struggled with finding time to do it all. Sometimes, there just aren't enough hours in the day. But I'm starting the year with health and fitness back at the top of my priority list! I think it will be Ok if I get a few less blog posts written or a few less pieces of furniture painted.
So this morning, I put on my favorite t-shirt, you know the one that fits just right and makes you feel good as soon as you put it on. Plus whoever came up with this slogan for Nike was a genius!
Then I grabbed my favorite pair of shoes and made it to my weights class on time!
And yes, those weights felt especially heavy today, but that was to be expected. I'm tired, but exhilarated! A brand new year has begun. Can't wait to see where it takes us!
Now, about all you lovely followers! Wow, you just blew me away in the month of December! I so appreciate each and every one of you who took the time during the busy holiday season to stop by and say hello. I have learned from you, been inspired by you and all of us here at Elizabeth & Co. have been encouraged by you!
So, it's definitely time for a giveaway! Just leave me a comment now through Sunday, January 9th and I'll send you this yoga mat! I'll announce a winner on Monday, January 10th. Any comment at all is fine. If you'd like to share your thoughts on the new year, great. And no, you don't have to use the mat for yoga, although I highly recommend you give yoga a try! Just plop it down on the floor and spend a few minutes stretching, excercising or even meditating. Take a nap if you need one. Sleep is important for good health too!
Surprised? Yup, me too! I actually had something entirely different in mind, but at at the gym this morning it occured to me that I had an opportunity to encourage you to make your own health and fitness a top priority this year. That may mean something entirely different for each one of you. Maybe you just need to take more walks with a friend or ride a bike around the block with your kids. Some of you may want to take a class or train for a marathon. Whatever it is you need to do, it is within your power. You have a choice. I promise you, it will make every aspect of your life better!
And if there are any guy followers out there who would prefer a different color, I can take care of that, so you can leave me a comment too! But I picked this color for a reason, not just because it matches my favorite shirt. Can you guess what it is? Here's a hint - It does have to do with painting furniture, which is really what this blog is about!
So, leave me a comment, then get out there and just do it!
Wishing you a strong and healthy 2011!

yoga is the one exercise i just don't make time for, but maybe with a pretty new mat i would? wish you lived closer so you could come take my classes! i am startig a new one on weds called HIIT, high intensity interval training! should be fun and well, intense!
Oh- I so need to tighten up an exercise program this year. One of the bad things about Yoga is that one of the gals we work with is a Yoga instructor and she is soooo pushy about it and so...let's say Witch-y...that no one wants to do Yoga. It's a shame that a personality can give a program a bad name..but that is what has happened here. UGH...I need to get back on my treadmill and do some light weighlifting again. Hugs- Diana oh yeah...sign me up for that mat...I may give Yoga a try after all...with a different instructor.
Oooh a pink yoga mat! Couldn't ask for a better color! What a wonderful giveaway!
Hubs and I just started back into a fitness routine today and it feels good! Thanks for the great giveaway! That pink is the new color of the year, is that why you chose it! ~Deb~
You are right...Nike's Just do it is probably the best slogan EVER! I am working out again w/o excuses and eating less and more sensibly and paying attention to it...I am ready for a brand new year!
Who would not want to exercise on a hot pink mat? :) Good for you, gettting your exercise on! I soooo need to do the same!
Ok..maybe a new pink mat is what I need to get back into the routine. I seriously do not know what I'm waiting for..lol. If I don't, I'm gonna hate myself when it's time to put on those shorts..lol. Thanks for a chance to win!
Congrats on 200 followers! I'd love to win!
Congratulations on reaching the 200 milestone. Your furniture is truly beautiful and I foresee many more such milestones in the new year!
Thanks for the great giveaway.
marguerito at comcast dot net
This is the third time I have tried to post, but I continue to have trouble. I'm sure it's something I have done wrong or a step I'm missing. None-the-less I just wanted to tell you that you ALWAYS inspire me: with your blog and with your life-attitude! Happy New Year.
Just found your blog and am about to follow! Yoga is definitely a New Year's goal of mine! Keep up the good work!
Oh Sharon Sweetie...
How exciting is this. I love the pink mat, and yes I am a follower. I have never taken yoga, but I definitely am going to be starting to exercise soon. I have been dieting since the end of September. Have lost quite a bit of weight, just cutting out all potatoes, bread and pasta, and also doing away with all sweets. No sugar. I have dropped a lot, am an insulin diabetic (5 shots) and my goal was to get my sugars down so that I could stop taking shots. I go back in Feb. and can't wait to see what I have done. I am not watching the scales, but have dropped 4 sizes in clothes, so it is moving. Yeahhh.
This mat could definitely come in handy for me in the future. I will be doing a little stretching and a few exercises soon.
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity. Many hugs sweetie, Sherry
i love yoga!! this is a fantastic giveaway!! It will definitely give us an incentive to get healthier!!
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